African Black Soap vs. Activated Charcoal Soap. What’s the Difference?
If you like Natural Soap, You see them everywhere. Are they the same? African Black Soap (ABS) and Activated Charcoal…
If you like Natural Soap, You see them everywhere. Are they the same? African Black Soap (ABS) and Activated Charcoal…
Watch our latest video, Making Mint to Be All Natural Soap. Yes, it’s made and back in stock. Mint to…
You read it right! Coffee Soaps Back in Stock with a Makeover! What Changed? How could we improve on our…
Happy 2021, Be Gentle with Yourself. Pace yourself and the changes that you want to see. Yes, the year has…
So the Holiday Season, like most of 2020, has been heavily impacted by social distancing. Online shopping has increased while…
So many of you have asked questions about the soap-making process. I’ve done my best to explain it. How about…
Hazel’s Soapery Spa-Light is honored to have Tonya Cross, Accented Glory, share with us 4 Tips for a Healthy Scalp.…
Ok, I am torn on a name for this beauty. Vote to Name Our Newest Soap! See the video below…
What is an Oopsie Special Soap Rate? I’ll tell you what it is. Picture this, Spartanburg 2020, the year all…
Say that three times fast! The Body Butter is Better, The Body Butter is Better, The Body Butter is Better….Whew,…