What happens when you use free products to persuade your daughter to come home and ride out the quarantine? She becomes a paying customer and makes a Customer New Product Haul Video!
Can’t be mad at her for either. But I’m still mad she won’t come home :). However, check out my girl in her first Product Haul Video.
Also, be sure to visit the site and check out the new items in her haul as well as a few other new products that we recently added.
List of her haul items:
Aloe, Nice to Matcha Face and Body Bar (I’m am still pleased with this name:))
Comfy Cozy
Hemp It Is Hair Food
Whipped Splendor Body Butter (IF you are a fan of the Mango Coconut scent, check out our New Coco Mango Mania Soap, same great scent, now in a soap!)

Thanks, sweet daughter for the video. We would love to see more! Send in your photos and videos as well! Simply email them to info@HazelsSoapery.com or post directly to your social media pages. Tag us so we know.