When I first began soaping and creating products, long before Hazel’s Soapery was created. I was fascinated by the idea that I could take these wonderful ingredients, mix them together and voila’ I have a great product. Ha silly me! What I didn’t realize is that it would put me face to face with my academic nemesis, MATH (insert maniacal music).


Seriously all through school up until about 10th grade, I had real struggles with math. However, now that I have to apply it daily and I love creating my products, Math and I have come to an amicable understanding. I master the things needed to create and he finally gets to stop saying, “But you just don’t understand me”. My point is this, sometimes in life, you have to find the thing you love to get over or even understand the thing you hate. Today, as you can tell by the photo, is a calculations and formulations day, a day where math and I sit together at the table and are great friends.

Coffee and Love

BTW, don’t let the photo fool you. I don’t love math and math does not love me. That beautiful mug was a present from my eldest daughter. She made it at one of the craft store places. The cool thing is she probably felt towards crafts the way I felt towards math. Which makes this all the more awesome of a present. I love this mug because it states, “You are Loved” on the inside. The words give it a very personal feel. Every time I take a sip, I get Coffee and a reminder that, I Am Loved, it honestly has an amazing effect on my mood every time I use it.

That’s it for today. My buddy, “Arithmetic” is beckoning for my attention! What are your plans for today? Have you ever had a subject that you hated in school that as you got older learned to use and appreciate?

Have a great Saturday and remember Soapin’ Happening at Hazel’s!

Be blessed

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